James Murrell

First Name: James
Last Name: Murrell

James Murrell Inquests

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
George Hatcher freedman June 19, 1867 at B. W. Hatchers Mill on Shaws creek Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oath do say that George came to his death by some disease unknown to the Jurors

Abram slave October 8, 1860 at the Residence of H. B. Raborns Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oaths do say that. . .the said Abram a slave of H Gallman. . .came to his death by some internal deseased unknown

Jim Coleman freidman November 15, 1866 at the Mackey Place on horse Creek Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there Oaths do say that the said Jim Coleman came to his death by accidently falling in to horse Creek and drowning

Richard J. Barton December 28, 1866 at Mrs Lucinda Bartons Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there oaths do say that the aforesaid R.J. Barton came to his death by the accidental discharg of a Gun in his own hands

James L. Hill January 10, 1867 at James L Hills Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there oaths do say that the said James L Hill came to his death by Mischance or accident

Milledge Fuller freedman February 18, 1867 at John Ransford plantation Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that. . .came to his death by a gun shot wound accidently done in the hands of Ellie a freedwoman

Joe infant negro August 26, 1860 at John Huiets Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there oaths do say that the child was over laid by his Farther dick

Charles slave, boy September 25, 1861 at Elijah Watson Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon there oaths do say that the said Charles came to his death. . .from the affects of a gun shot in the hands of Z.[?] P. Claxton the shot taken affect in the samll of the back

Wade Barronton October 8, 1860 at Wade Barrontons Residence Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oaths do say that the said Wade Barronton came to his death. . .by the Visitation of God

Belaus[Velaus?] slave, boy March 30, 1863 at Robert Smiths Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there oath do say-that he came to his death. . .by going in to the Mill Pond of B W Hatchers. . .and was by Misfortune of accidently drowned

Joshua negro man slave June 26, 1860 at Harmon Gallman Edgefield County, SC Unknown

upon there oaths do say that. . .Joshua a negro man slave of Harmons Gallmans came to his death very sudenly by some internal disease unknwon

John M. Tillman May 6, 1860 at Mr J.A Tillmans Steam Mill Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon there oaths do say that. . . J. M. Tillman was shot. . .with fire arm in the hands of George R Mays the Ball entering the brest neat the Pit of the Stomac Passing through the right side internily come near out under the right arm

Jim slave June 10, 1859 at M, L, Bonham Esqr residence on the Pine House road Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oaths do say that the said Jim a slave. . .came to his death by the act of Providence

Scipio slave April 1, 1862 at E. J. Youngbloods Edgefield County, SC Homicide hatchet

upon there oaths do say that Scipio came to his death by two blows on the head . . .with a hatchet or some sharp instrument in the hands of some person unknown

Prophet Burt freedman December 29, 1866 at E.N. Troys Edgefield County, SC Homicide knife

upon there oath do say that the said Prophet Burt freedman came to his death by two stabs or cuts one on the side of his head the other on the back of his neck with a knife or some sharp pointed instrument in the hands of some person unknown

Sam Howard Freedman August 6, 1866 at L. L. Halls Edgefield County, SC Homicide knife

upon there oaths do say that Sam Howard Freedman Came to his death. . .by a stab with a knife or some sharp pointed instrument in the hands of John Daniel Freedman

Harry slave May 20, 1863 at Jesse Gomellions Edgefield County, SC Homicide knife

upon there oaths do say that. . .the said Harry came to his death by a wound inflicted in the left side by a knife or some sharp Pointed instrument in the hands of Wilce[?] a slave belonging to James Neal

Prince slave January 15, 1865 at John Seiglers Edgefield County, SC Homicide knife

upon there oaths do say that the boy Prince came to his death by a stab with a knife or some sharp pointed instrument in the hands of Jef a slave of John Seiglers

Frank Holson freedman January 9, 1867 at Lee Holson Edgefield County, SC Homicide pistol

upon there oaths do say that. . .said Frank Holson freedman came to his death. . .by a Pistol shot in the hands of William W Hammond

Spencer Mays freedman November 8, 1866 at John Buslys Edgefield County, SC Accident pistol

the said Spencer Mays freedman came to his death do say that the said Spencer came to his death by a Pistol shot in the hands of Charles Warren freedman the ball entering just above the left knee

Samuel Posey October 21, 1860 at P. B. McDaniels Edgefield County, SC Homicide pistol

upon there oath do say that the said Sam Posey came to his death by a Pistol shots in the hand of Henry Williams. . .four balls taken affect

Lewis Bartie July 26, 1864 at Mount Zion Church Edgefield County, SC Homicide shotgun

upon there oaths do say that the said Lewis Bartie the deceased came to his death. . .by a wound received from a Double Barrel shot gun in the hands of James Green

Daniel slave, boy May 27, 1862 at John H. Fair Edgefield County, SC Homicide shotgun

upon there oaths do say that Daniel came to his death by a wound in the hipp receive at Edgefield Court House in B. C. Bryant store from a Double Barrel shot gun in the hands of James Bryant

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