Peter Jordan

First Name: Peter
Last Name: Jordan

Peter Jordan Inquests

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Adam Eubanks April 19, 1894 at the residence of the deceased Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that Adam Eubanks died from natural causes on the night of the 18th April 1894 at his residence

Allen Melton January 6, 1893 at the residence of Mr. James Cottege Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do says that it is their belief that Allen Melton came to his death from natural causes - in all probability - form failure of the heart to perform its proper functions

Walden C. Sullivan September 12, 1893 at the house of Mr. John A. Sullivan Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Walden C. Sullivan came to his death by accidental smothering at the Residence of John A. Sullivan

Henry Blakeny June 6, 1893 at Ana Deason Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Henry Blakeney came to his death by a Pistol ball in the heands of Thos ingram at the residence of Ana Deason on the 6th June A.D. 1893.

Lee Roy Almond November 18, 1893 at R. J. Almond's Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Lee Roy Almond came to his death from natural causes

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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