do say upon there oaths that the said Johnston came to his death by intoxication, and So the Jurors afforesaid Say upon there oaths That the afforesaid John Johnston in manner and form afforesaid Came to his Death by intoxication.
do say upon their oathes that the aforesaid John Rea did come to his death By Intoxication; or the visitation of God on the morning the twenty first day of November...
do say upon their oaths, that according to the evidence adduced to them, they have reason to believe; that for some time past the deceased has been in the habit of drinking spiritous liquors to excess on every occasion, or at least every opportunity, and on the 9th instant, had drank very freely, and fell once or twice off his own feet. might have been hurt thereby, but they believe, there was no other causes, unless, An appoplectic fit. or Epilectic, might have been brought on thereby