Union County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Union County, SC Inquests

Displaying 101 - 150 of 212
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Typesort ascending Death Method
negro child negro child September 23, 1848 at the plantation of Davis Foudalock Natural Causes
negro child negro child November 1, 1837 at Union C.H. Natural Causes
Jim slave October 4, 1858 at Giles Sharps Natural Causes
Benjamin Bishop November 26, 1840 taken one mile and a half south of the [?] on the main road leading to Jones' ford on Enoree[?] river Natural Causes
Dinah slave January 25, 1859 at the late residence of John Gregory deseast Natural Causes
James Robison December 17, 1820 at the hous of John Birds Other
Abraham Bever Van Waganan February 2, 1824 Other
James Kirkpatrick November 24, 1846 at Union CourtHouse in James C Kitchens Hotel Other
Thomas R. Sparks January 1, 1851 at George Greghams Other
James Petty June 19, 1825 at an out House of the plantation of John Norman Other
Griffin Infant Childe December 26, 1860 at Andy [?] Accident
Koon female child April 23, 1836 at the house of Davin M[?] [?] Accident
William Vaugh August 28, 1842 at the dweling house of Patrick Williams Accident
Tom slave, boy February 5, 1861 brawd River Makes[?] Mill Accident boat
Larie February 3, 1829 at the premises of Capt Nathan Sims Accident
Washington negro man February 1, 1857 at Pullok[?] Accident
Henry negro boy Slave September 17, 1829 at John Gayes[?] Accident rope
Louisa Jane Low minor child November 3, 1842 Accident horse
Thomas Henry October 20, 1817 at the Dweling Hous of Samuel Accident
James McCannon May 1, 1821 at Joseph Hughes Accident
William Powers January 14, 1828 at John Powers Accident
Zechariah Tottey December 4, 1806 at the Mill River Accident
Peter slave November 23, 1862 at Mrs Colemans Accident
Samuel Culbertson July 1, 1838 at the house of Samuel Colbertson Accident
negro child negro child February 17, 1850 at the plantation of James Ellises Accident
Jane infant negro December 31, 1840 at E. M. Gregory's Accident
John Findley March 22, 1819 at [??] ferrey Accident
Mary Tottey January 3, 1814 Accident
Charles negro male slave, boy September 20, 1827 at David Johnsons Accident
July infant slave September 8, 1856 at the House of Mrs Elender[?] Martin Accident
Gabriel Gibson April 18, 1819 at Elbethel Meeting house Accident
John Garrett October 22, 1822 at House of John Garrett Accident
William Giles Capt May 13, 1811 at his own Dweling Accident
Starling Kingsland single man November 15, 1810 Accident horse
Franklin Turner son December 26, 1850 at John Turners Accident
William Butler stage driver August 2, 1842 at the house of Joseph Hughes Accident horse
Jean Young December 6, 1816 Accident wagon
Henry male infant slave November 23, 1860 at Berry Shells House Accident
Chaney female slave June 15, 1841 at Mrs. Catherin Bateses Accident
Jonathan McCulloch January 7, 1840 at the house of Thomas Jefferson[?] Accident
infant infant December 13, 1851 at A. J. Gregorys Accident
Nicy female slave October 8, 1859 at Philip Downs[?] Hous Accident train
Oliver Neely March 5, 1821 at Thomas Hughs Senors[?] Accident boat
Crispan Smith December 5, 1836 at the house of George Smith Accident
negro boy child negro boy child December 25, 1845 at Wm H. askews Accident
unknown negro unknown negro May 15, 1837 at the plantation of A. Murphy or Joseph Prins[?] Accident
Joseph A. McJunkin March 15, 1858 at Wm Hawkins House Accident
Henry Gibson November 4, 1834 at Abner Benson dweling Accident
James Adis June 13, 1818 Accident
female Infant Slave female Infant Slave May 30, 1847 at the house of Mrs Sarow Brandons Accident

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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