Union County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Union County, SC Inquests

Displaying 51 - 100 of 212
Name Deceased Description Datesort descending Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
Henry negro boy Slave September 17, 1829 at John Gayes[?] Accident rope
George Negro Slave April 19, 1830 at the house of Reps Edwards Natural Causes
Bill negro boy June 20, 1830 at Capt. John Thomas Hooey on Broad River Accident
Friday slave October 6, 1830 at the house of Robt Martin Accident
Jim slave July 15, 1831 Suicide
A. infant child January 13, 1832 at the house of John Nelson Homicide
Matt negro man February 9, 1832 on the plantation of Doct. Jas Macham Natural Causes
Nance infant child April 24, 1832 at the house of Benjamin Landrum Natural Causes
Nathan Hawkins August 16, 1832 at House of Nathan Hawkins Natural Causes
Jane Burden May 10, 1833 at Selby Rogers grave yard Unknown
Fan Negro Woman October 1, 1833 at James [?] Land[?] Suicide
Henry Long January 7, 1834 Homicide pistol
James Lee April 7, 1834 at Amos Lee's Natural Causes
John Wyatt May 25, 1834 at House of Harry Gant[?] Homicide
Henry slave June 7, 1834 at the House of John McBeth Accident
Henry Gibson November 4, 1834 at Abner Benson dweling Accident
negro child a slave negro child a slave January 27, 1835 on the plantation of T Hooker Natural Causes
Joseph Mulligan February 27, 1835 below Doct[?] Dogans[?] near the branch near this Village Accident freezing
Peter negro man May 5, 1835 On the plantation of Jim[?] Rochester Natural Causes
William Thompson May 5, 1835 at the house of Mrs Rochester Unknown
nego child nego child July 11, 1835 at the house of Jaby[?] Polk Accident
negro child negro child July 13, 1835 at the house or on the plantation of Charles Humphries Natural Causes
Delila Tucker July 31, 1835 at the house of Isaac M Caffertys Accident
John Uriah Bedenbaugh September 17, 1835 on the plantation of Thomas Satten Natural Causes
Negro child Negro child September 29, 1835 at Robt Beety[?] Natural Causes
Howel slave October 3, 1835 at the house of [?] Polk[?] Homicide
Koon female child April 23, 1836 at the house of Davin M[?] [?] Accident
Crispan Smith December 5, 1836 at the house of George Smith Accident
Gilderoy Chandler January 27, 1837 at the House of John [?] Unknown
Dick slave March 19, 1837 at the house of Edward Gregory Natural Causes
Priscilla Clark March 28, 1837 at the house of Jesse Clark Natural Causes
Samuel Mitchell April 10, 1837 on the plantation of Robert Glen Natural Causes
unknown negro unknown negro May 15, 1837 at the plantation of A. Murphy or Joseph Prins[?] Accident
Danison[?] Gault July 25, 1837 at the plantation of Henry Gault Accident horse
infant child infant child August 9, 1837 on the plantation of Mr. Austin Wilson Natural Causes
negro child negro child November 1, 1837 at Union C.H. Natural Causes
Daniel Coleman November 21, 1837 at the house of Mrs Citha Rowles Suicide
John Crosley January 11, 1838 at of John W Sartor[?] Natural Causes
William Clifton March 4, 1838 at the house of the Deceasd of Will Clifton Accident horse
Samuel Culbertson July 1, 1838 at the house of Samuel Colbertson Accident
Mary slave October 31, 1838 at the house of Saml L Martin Homicide axe
Rachel slave November 2, 1838 at the House of Samuel L Martin Homicide ax
Jonathan McCulloch January 7, 1840 at the house of Thomas Jefferson[?] Accident
negro woman negro woman March 26, 1840 at John Garrotts Homicide
Charles slave June 8, 1840 at Mrs Margaret Beatys Suicide small cord
George Prisock June 11, 1840 at E. P. Porters Homicide hoe
Enoch McLean August 27, 1840 at Wm C. Brown's Accident
Benjamin Bishop November 26, 1840 taken one mile and a half south of the [?] on the main road leading to Jones' ford on Enoree[?] river Natural Causes
William Johnson November 28, 1840 at the House of Wm. Johnson Suicide
Jane infant negro December 31, 1840 at E. M. Gregory's Accident

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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