W. E. Redfearn

First Name: W.
Middle Name(s): E.
Last Name: Redfearn

W. E. Redfearn Inquests

Displaying 151 - 154 of 154
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Virginia Fletcher September 15, 1934 at Jefferson Chesterfield County, SC Accident truck

upon their oaths, do say: by being hit by truck driver by Q Faulkner same being unavoidable

James Warren Blackmon November 2, 1942 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident truck

upon their oaths do say that James Warren Blackmon received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Steam Shovel bed & Tract of Trailer in the hands of Operated by W. E. McDaniel

Albert W. Wilkins November 22, 1938 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident truck

upon their oaths do say that Albert W. Wilkins received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Truck-operated by Cheraw state park in the hands of G. E. Parnell

Redmer A. Burch June 20, 1947 at Mt Croghan, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Accident truck

upon their oaths do say that Redmer A. Burch received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Car Chrysler, License #D34072

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    University of Georgia
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