J. M. W. Glover

First Name: J.
Middle Name(s): M. W.
Last Name: Glover

J. M. W. Glover Inquests

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Name Deceased Description Datesort descending Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Louisa Wooden October 13, 1893 at Mose Woden Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the deceased Louisa Wooden came to her death by an accidental gunshot wound in the hands of Moses Wooden

Dave Parkman December 16, 1897 at Cheatham place Edgefield County, SC Homicide pistol

upon their oaths do say, that Dave Parkman was killed by a pistol shot in the hands of Solomon Moss

George Ross June 29, 1898 at Adoms[?] place Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say, that George Ross, came to his death by a pistol shot wilfully in the hands of Ed Hood

Sindy Brighthop August 21, 1898 on S.W. Gardners place Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say, that Sindy Brighthop came to her death, from a dislocated neck done by th parties in the house

Al White October 12, 1898 at Mundy[?] Place Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Al White came to his death by a gun show wound in the hands of Will McClenden in the discharge of his duty & that said act was justified in self Defence

Alice Adkinson October 18, 1898 at Republican Church Edgefield County, SC Homicide

do say that Mrs Alice Atkinson come to her death, from a gun Shot wound, in the hands of Jim McKie & Luther Sullivan & Wash McKie was accesory to the murder

Luther Sullivan October 26, 1898 near John Stuarts Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Luther Sullivan came to his death from gun shot wounds in the hand of unknown parties

Jim McKie October 26, 1898 near John starks Edgefield County, SC Homicide

do say that Jim McKie came to his death from gun shot wounds in the hands of some unknown parties

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