Jacob Feaster

First Name: Jacob
Last Name: Feaster

Jacob Feaster Inquests

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Namesort descending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Charles August 2, 1846 [near the house of David L Milling] Fairfield County, SC Homicide

the death of the afforesaid Charles was caused by a stab inflicted by a pocket knife near the joint[?] of the breast bone which wound is horizontal & about 1 1/4 inch in length 2nd That from the testimony produced they are fully satisfied that the wound was caused the death of Charles was inflicted by the hand of a negro boy Ned the property of Andrew [?]

Elisha Farless[?] September 15, 1847 at Robert Youngers Mill house Fairfield County, SC Natural Causes

do say upon their oaths that the siad Elisha Farleys[?] died on the 14th[?] instant past at or in the Mill house of Robert Yongers[?] was found dead that he had no markes of violence appearing on his body and died by the visitation of God in a natural way

Harry December 3, 1826 at McClures Creek on the plantation of Martha A Dickson Fairfield County, SC Suicide

do say upon their oaths that the said negro man Harry with a knife held in his right hand did strike and give to himself with the knife aforesaid upon his throat aforesaid on mortal wound

Jesse May 15, 1850 at Lyles Ford on the Broad River Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the negro man came to his dead by drowing or accident to the Jurors unknown

John Kirk November 28, 1826 near the house of Ezekiel Jenkins Fairfield County, SC Homicide stick

do say upon their oaths that one negro man to wit Harry belonging to Ms. Martha Ann Dickson with a stick about three feet long and the size of the wrist of a man struk and and gave the said John Kirk said stick upon aforesaid occipital bone with three other wounds...so the said negro man Harry then and there feloniously killed and murdered the said John Kirk

Marcus Pickens December 5, 1860 near the residence of William Widener's Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say, that the said Marcus Pickens, on the 5th instant, to wit on or near a blind path leading from Solomon Colemans, to Stephen Crosleys was found dead, that he had not marks of appearin on his body, and died by misfortune, or exposure.

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