John C. Nabors

First Name: John
Middle Name(s): C.
Last Name: Nabors

John C. Nabors Inquests

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Barbara Milam September 25, 1850 at T R Milams Laurens County, SC Homicide axe

upon their oaths do say that She came to her Death by violence inflicted upon her person and by burning, the bruises having been first inflicted. They find the bruises & cuts upon and about the head and face inflicted with an axe or other heavy weapon - from the circumstances they conclude the blows to have been inflicted by the negro woman Eliot, the property of Milam the husband of Deceased.

Daniel April 5, 1854 at a graveyard in Laurens District near Mrs Nancy Parks Laurens County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Daniel came death by disease unknown to us

George May 6, 1849 at C... Garlington Mill pond Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do Say by accidental drowning.

George April 21, 1838 Laurens County, SC Unknown
Henry Henderson March 19, 1850 at Henry Hendersons Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oathes Do Say that the Said Henry Henderson came to his Death by accidentally fawling in to a Branch near his house while under mental Derangement on the 17th day of March about ten oclock at Knight [sic] and that Henry Henderson in manner and form aforesaid came to his death by Misfortune or accidental Drowning.

Peter October 25, 1854 Laurens County, SC Homicide
Peter October 25, 1834 at Robertson Osborns Laurens County, SC Suicide

upon there oaths do say that the said (Slave) Peter came to his death By cutting his throat with his own hand - with his Shoe Knife valued at 10 cts.

Samuel Hudgens November 9, 1854 at Samuel Hudgens Laurens County, SC Suicide laudanum

upon their Oaths do say it appearing from the examination of the body, & Testimony that the said Samuel Hudgins came to his death at his own residence on the 9th of November 1854 from an accessive [sic] uses [sic] of Laddnum taken at his own will & from his own hands.

Unknown Infant at Samuel Fleming's Plantation Unknown Infant at Samuel Fleming's Plantation July 29, 1855 at Samuel Flemings plantation Laurens County, SC Unknown

on their oaths do say they are unable to form any opinions as to how the infant came to its death or whether it even had life but the manner in which it was buried being put on the Top of a man made grave which grave was the grave of. . .person & only about three or four inches under ground, and wrapped in a small sack or Bag with one End open. . .

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    University of Georgia
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