B. E. Elkin

First Name: B.
Middle Name(s): E.
Last Name: Elkin

B. E. Elkin Inquests

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort ascending Death Method Inquest Finding
Unknown at Pollete [?] Harrison Fairfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths that the said Child came to its death by premeditated[?] and criminal negligence and exposure on the part of the parents or others unknown to the Jury

Andrew Boney July 26, 1879 at Ridgeway Fairfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that from the Certificate of two Physicians who reached him in his dying moment that he come to his death from Heart disease[.]

Willis Gary at James Mockins[?] Fairfield County, SC Accident train

upon their oaths do say that he was killed by the Accidental falling from a train of cars on the C.C. & A R.R. and being crushed by said train

Aleck Dorsey March 23, 1877 at J.W. Coleman's plantation Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say, that he come to his death by the accidental burning of a house on the above noted plantation on the 22nd day of March A.D. 1877 about 8 or 9 O Clock in the morning

Abby Davis May 29, 1877 at Quarly[?] Davis Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say, that the aforesaid Abby Davis came to her death to the best of their belief from the evidence given, by misfortune or accident.

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    University of Georgia
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