William R. Young

First Name: William
Middle Name(s): R.
Last Name: Young

William R. Young Inquests

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Charlotte slave August 6, 1837 in Camden Kershaw County, SC Natural Causes

do say that she came to her death by affliction[?] of the heart

Fortune slave April 1, 1838 at Col. James Chesnut's plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say. . .that said Fortune came to his death by drowning at Camden Ferry on the night of the twenty third of December eighteen hundred and thirty seven

infant September 23, 1837 at Camden Kershaw County, SC Unknown

do say upon oath individually. . .that the body under examination is a male child supposed to be still born and premature but the evidence adduced places it beyon our power to discover either the mother or parties concerned

John McDaniel May 31, 1839 at McCaskill's graveyard Kershaw County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say we found upon examination of the body of John McDaniel no cause nor have heard any testimony to lead us to believe that he cam eto his death otherwise than by 'a visitiation of God'

negro negro April 16, 1838 at Thomas Whitaker's plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say we find the body to be that of a negro woman unknown supposed to have been drowned but having no evidence before us cannot say when or where

negro negro March 26, 1838 at the Camden Ferry, Wateree River Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say we find the Boddy is a negro man and came to his death by drownign but have no evidence before us to warrant us in saying when or where

negro negro March 19, 1838 at Ja's Chesnut's plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say we find the Boddy is a Negro man and came to his death by Drowning but have no evidence before us in saying when or where

negro negro April 5, 1838 at the Camden Ferry Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say we find upon examination the body is that of a negro man and suppose that he came to his death by drowning, and having no evidence before us cannot say when or where

negro negro February 23, 1838 at Mrs. McRay's plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that said Boddy was a negro man and came to his death by drowning but have no evidence before us to warrant us in saying when or where

negro negro March 25, 1838 at Col. Ja's Chesnut plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that to the best of our knowneldge the body now before us is the body of a negro man and came to his death by Drowning but having no evidence before us cannot say when or where

negro negro February 3, 1838 at Maj. John Whitaker's plantation Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say we find that the boddy upon examination is a negro man and it is our opinion that he came to his death by drowning & probably was drowned in crossing the Camden Ferry on the night of the 23d of Dec'r last

negro negro March 25, 1838 at James Chesnut's plantation Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say to the best of their knowledge the Boddy now before them is that of a negro man who came to his death by drowning but having no evidence before them cannot say when or where

negro negro April 23, 1838 at the Camden Ferry Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that the said boddy is a negro man supposed to have been drowned but having no evidence before us cannot say when or where

Peggy slave March 28, 1841 at Mr. Adamson's plantation Kershaw County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that we find upon examination that [the] negro woman called Peggy Adamson the property of Mrs. Adamson ... came to her death by the visitation of the Divine providence

slave slave January 8, 1838 at the Wateree River in Camden Kershaw County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that the body here found is a negro woman the property of J.C. Doby Esq. and came to her death by drowning on the 23 Decb. last in the crossing the ferry over the Wateree River at Camden

William Applewhite January 22, 1838 at Camden Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Wm. Applewhite came to his death by falling in the fire

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