Abraham Jones
Abraham Jones Inquests
Name | Deceased Description | Date | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Death Method | Inquest Finding |
Thomas Welheu[?] | June 19, 1868 | at Benjamin Better[?] wheat field on the Columbia & Augusta Rail Road | Edgefield County, SC | Accident |
upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by a pistol shot accidentally discharged by his own hands |
Charles | slave | July 31, 1851 | at the house of John M. Norris Esqr in Edgefield | Edgefield County, SC | Accident |
upon their oaths do say that by his head being mashed and and his scull broken at the gin house of John M. Norris . . .by the gin running gear, his head passing between the cogs and trunal[?] head, rounds or Wollower |
Dinah | Woman Slave | May 22, 1849 | at Allen Griffith | Edgefield County, SC | Natural Causes |
upon their oaths do say, that the said Dinah came to her death by miscarriage and inflamation of the womb at the plantation of Master Michael Long |
Michael Long | April 17, 1849 | at the house of Michael Long | Edgefield County, SC | Homicide | shotgun |
upon their Oaths do say, that Michael Long was shot with a double barrel shot gun in the forehead. . .by some person or persons to the Jurors unknown |
John E. Elsmore | November 28, 1869 | at the house of John E. Elsmore | Edgefield County, SC | Homicide | pistol |
upon their oaths do say That he came to his death from the effect of a blow or blows on his head inflicted by the hands of Wm Pickens Elsmore with a Pistol |
Rose | negro woman Slave | March 14, 1846 | at Michael Longs | Edgefield County, SC | Homicide |
Upon their Oaths do say that the aforesaid Rose being chained in the Meat house of said M. Long, around the neck with a common chain trace with one ened and the Other end of said chain aforesaid to the Joist broke her neck either by design or by accident |