John Kennedy

First Name: John
Last Name: Kennedy

John Kennedy Inquests

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort descending Death Method Inquest Finding
Cap Bryan February 25, 1893 at the plantation of Mrs Doziers Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths aforesaid do say That the aforesaid Cap Bryan came to his death from a lick with a rock thrown by a blast from the Quary which we consider purely accidental

Steve Yeldell October 28, 1894 at Edgefield Edgefield County, SC Accident cart

upon their oaths do say that the said Steve Yeldell came to his death by accidently falling out of his cart and breaking his neck

Nancy Weaver December 20, 1893 at Edgefield Court House Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that we the jurors aforesaid do say that Nancy aforesaid, came to her death, by a gun shot wound in the hands of Savanah Gray accidently

Esther Jeter April 17, 1893 at Huiets x Roads Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Esther Jeter came to her death by accident. . .burned to death

Fannie Ford March 5, 1893 at Trenton S.C. Edgefield County, SC Accident train

upon their oaths do say that. . .Fannie Ford came to her death from being run over by a train

Kisiah Frazier December 17, 1893 at the plantation of T S Rainsforde Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that Kisiah Frazier came to her death from natural causes. . .Rheumatic trouble of the heart

Tandy Holmes September 21, 1894 at or on Dr. W.C. Prescotts Plantation Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say, We find that Tandy Holmes, came to his death by a blow on the head, with a gun in the hands of T.K. McKenny and that the said McKenny struck said blow in self defense and was justifiable in so doing

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    University of Georgia
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