H. A. Stevenson

First Name: H.
Middle Name(s): A.
Last Name: Stevenson

H. A. Stevenson Inquests

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Calline Crosby Fairfield County, SC Natural Causes

up pon these oths do say that She came to her death from heart failure[.]

Infant child of Amanda Williams at the residence of Alex Cockerell Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say having viewed the dead body of Amanda Williams infant and heard the evidence of witnesses and this our verdict that it came to its death form congestion of the lungs.

Infant of Albert Davis at Crosbyville Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say the cause of death was suffocation

infant of Sam Coleman at the residence of Sam Coleman Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oath do say that they believe the infant of Sam Coleman came to its death by asphyxia

Joe Coleman near Willing Fairfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say: that the Said Joe Coleman came to his death by gun shot wounds, by the hands of person or persons unknown to the Jury, but suspicion and evidence points to William Woodward principal and we further think that he had accessories[.]

Lucilla S. Gresham Chester Co., at Shelton Depot Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say, That L.S. Gresham in manner and form afresaid, came to her death by accident drown in broad river at Fish Dam Ferry on the 4th day of February 1895

Robert Gresham Chester Co., at Shelton Depot Fairfield County, SC Accident

upon there oath do say that the said Robert Gresham was drowned at Fish Dam Ferry in Chester County on the [1]4 day of February A.D 1895

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