William Crosby

First Name: William
Last Name: Crosby

William Crosby Inquests

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Namesort descending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Andrew Thompson December 19, 1859 at Andrew Thompson's house Fairfield County, SC Suicide razor

upon their oaths do say, that Andrew Thompson here lying dead came to his death then and there, voluntarily and feloneausly, himself did kill, by cutting his throat with a rasor

Biggers R. Mobley December 31, 1860 at Biggers[?] R. Mobley's Fairfield County, SC Suicide

upon our oaths do say that the said Biggers R. Mobly [?] [?] said then and there voluntarily and felonously himself did kill by hanging himself with a rope

Rhoda Beam March 19, 1861 at Fishdown[?] Fairfield County, SC Suicide

upon our oaths do say, that the said Mrs. Bean voluntarily and feloniously knowing[?] did Kil[?] by Jumping out of the flat at [?] fery into [?] and drounding hirself

Sam September 15, 1861 at Joseph Hurts'[?] Fairfield County, SC Suicide

upon our oaths do sa, that the slave boy Sam, in manner and form aforesaid, then and there, voluntarily and felonously himself did kill, by hanging himself with arope around the kneck on Sunday Evening the 15

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    University of Georgia
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