John E. McDonnald

First Name: John
Middle Name(s): E.
Last Name: McDonnald

John E. McDonnald Inquests

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Billy November 28, 1857 at the South Carolina Rail Road Edgefield County, SC Accident wagon

came to his death by being thrown from a two horse waggon

Bob negro September 23, 1864 in the District Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oaths do say and dclare that the said Bob came to his death by the Visitation of God

Caroline Free negro August 26, 1858 four miles from Hamburg Edgefield County, SC Unknown

came to her death from a blow from the sweep[?] of a carry[?] log, the property of A J Rambo

Edward slave, boy October 22, 1857 at the residence of Wm Miller Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

came to his death by the act of Providence

Edward slave, boy October 22, 1858 at the residence of Wm Miller Edgefield County, SC Natural Causes

the said Boy Came to his death by the act of Providence

Sam Slave June 14, 1858 at Henry Spiers[?] Edgefield County, SC Accident

who came to his death by drowning in Butlers Mill Pond

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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