William Kennedy

First Name: William
Last Name: Kennedy

William Kennedy Inquests

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort descending Death Method Inquest Finding
Unknown March 3, 1818 near the dweling house of Richard Dumpkins Union County, SC Unknown

do say on their that Know Not how the Said person Come to his Death

Lewis Berry February 20, 1815 Union County, SC Accident

do say on their oaths that the said Lewis Berry come to his death by being in [?] in the Cold

Betsey Smith January 19, 1807 at the Dweling hous of Miles[?] [?] Union County, SC Accident

do say upon their oaths that the Said Betsey Smith Came to her Death [??] Close[?] catching[?] fire and and[?] and[?] thereby [?] her to Death

Zechariah Tottey December 4, 1806 at the Mill River Union County, SC Accident

do say on their oaths that the said Totty Came to his Death we Belive By toxication[?] in [?] and [?] By haggs[?] in a [?]

Starling Kingsland single man November 15, 1810 Union County, SC Accident horse

do upon their oaths . . .that the above Starling Kingston Came to his Death by [?] a fall from his horse

Jean Young December 6, 1816 Union County, SC Accident wagon

Came to his death by the act of God a Waggon Whel running [?]

James Adis June 13, 1818 Union County, SC Accident

do say u[?] thr oaths that the desceased [?] come to his by being drowned

Thomas Henry October 20, 1817 at the Dweling Hous of Samuel Union County, SC Accident

do Say on their oaths tha Said Thomas Came to his Death By a [?] fall that Nathan[?] Howard [?] him By throwing him [?] his hous[?] in a [????]

Mary Tottey January 3, 1814 Union County, SC Accident

do upon their oaths say that the said Mary Came to her Death By the act of God By Droning

William Giles Capt May 13, 1811 at his own Dweling Union County, SC Accident

do Say on their Oaths that . . .William Giles Came to his Death by fall of a Limb from a tree which appears to have Broake his skull and one of his arms

Christopher Norral January 5, 1815 at the Dweling house of John Norals Union County, SC Natural Causes

say on their oaths that the Said Christopher Norral Came to his Death By the act of God

Samuel M. McJunkin Capt June 1, 1815 Union County, SC Homicide
William Milhous May 27, 1807 Union County, SC Suicide small pen knife

do say on their oaths the Said William Milowan[?] Came to his Death By the temptation of the Devil and for want of the Grace of God diloniously homicideed himSelf Cuting his throat with a Small Pen Knife

James Comer November 28, 1817 Union County, SC Suicide rifle

do say upon their oaths that the Said James Comer for Wont[?] of the Grace of God and the instation[?] of the Devil was a [?] of himSelf By Shooting of him Self with a Rifle gun in the forehead

Nathaniel Shilton November 26, 1814 at the Dweling house of William Sims[?] Union County, SC Suicide

Do Say on their oaths that the Said Nathaniel Shilton through the want of the Grace of God and the intigation of the Divel Did with a [?] tyd to the Jaw[?] of a barn and one Round his Neck Did filoniously hang him Self

William McMahan November 20, 1810 in his own home Union County, SC Suicide hemp rope

do say on their oaths that for want of the Grace of God and the instatigation of the Divel did William McMahan hang himSelf with a hemp Rope fixt[?] [?] his own BedSide

William Mahan single man November 20, 1810 Union County, SC Suicide hemp rope

upon the oaths . . .do say that the Sd Wm Mahan for want of the Grace of God & the instagation of the Divel Came to his Death by forcing a small hemp rope Round his neck to a Beam of the house in his own BeadRoom where with he hangd himd Self Dead

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