Harvey Wofford

First Name: Harvey
Last Name: Wofford

Harvey Wofford Inquests

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Coleman slave September 30, 1849 at the house of A.M. Smith Spartanburg County, SC Homicide large stick

upon there [sic] oaths do say that the deceased child Coleman was filfully murdered on the 29th September 1847 in the woods with a large stick about 4 feet long by divers[?] blows being inflicted on its head & body by some person or persons unknown

John Inlow October 1, 1852 at Hill's Factory Spartanburg County, SC Homicide stick

upon their oaths do say that they believe John Broughton did kill him the sd. Inlow. . .with a stick about five feet long & about 2 1/4 inches in diameter

Joseph Parham February 10, 1867 at an out house near Alexander Purcell's[?] Spartanburg County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths afores'd do say that aforesaid Joseph Parnham came to his death by mischance by freezing or the visitation of God

Nancy Smith February 10, 1847 at the resident of Elijah Smith Spartanburg County, SC Accident lightning

upon their oaths do say that they believe that the sd. Nancy Smith. . .died by a visitation of God by a stroke of lightning

Sarah Shacleford September 3, 1849 at the house of Richard Shacleford Spartanburg County, SC Suicide handkerchief

upon there [sic] oaths do say that she did hang herself voluntarily with a small silk handkerchief suspended from the limb of a post oak on this day about 9 o'clock A.M.

William Belott February 8, 1867 near the house of Wm. Hunter Spartanburg County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths afores'd say that Wm Belott came to his death by mischance or the visitation of God

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    University of Georgia
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