R. N. Telright
R. N. Telright Inquests
Name | Deceased Description | Date | Inquest Location | County |
Death Type![]() |
Death Method | Inquest Finding |
Eli David Junkins | July 24, 1871 | at or near the hosue of John Martin (colored) near Richard Robinson Mill | Anderson County, SC | Accident | shotgun |
do say that the said Eli David Jenkins came to his death by being shot with a small single barrelled shot gun in the hands of Leslie Martin a colored boy some 16 or 17 years old. . .the said Leslie Martin did not intend or had any idea of the gun going off or doing the boy any injury whatever and believe it was entirely accidental |
Willis Watson | June 14, 1876 | at the river bank on Saulda one mile above Gambell old Bridge | Anderson County, SC | Accident |
do say that said decd came to his death by accidental drowning in the River of Saluda. |
John Seawright | October 22, 1881 | on the public road leading from Craytonville to Anderson Court House | Anderson County, SC | Natural Causes |
do say the said came to dis death from disease of the heart. . .the deceased came to his death by some providence of God. |
John Saylor | August 6, 1870 | at or near the Ridge road near E. R. Cobb's residence | Anderson County, SC | Natural Causes |
do say that said John Saylor. . .died we think and believe from some disease of the heart or an appoplectic [apoplectic] fit. |
Giles Guess | colored | February 2, 1882 | at the hosue of John Smith | Anderson County, SC | Homicide | pistol |
do say that the deceased was willfully killed by the hand of one Isaac Putnam by shooting deceased with a pistol and that Silas Putnam was accessory to the killing about seven or eight oclock in the afternoon at the house of one John Smith |