R. N. Telright

First Name: R.
Middle Name(s): N.
Last Name: Telright

R. N. Telright Inquests

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
John Saylor August 6, 1870 at or near the Ridge road near E. R. Cobb's residence Anderson County, SC Natural Causes

do say that said John Saylor. . .died we think and believe from some disease of the heart or an appoplectic [apoplectic] fit.

Willis Watson June 14, 1876 at the river bank on Saulda one mile above Gambell old Bridge Anderson County, SC Accident

do say that said decd came to his death by accidental drowning in the River of Saluda.

John Seawright October 22, 1881 on the public road leading from Craytonville to Anderson Court House Anderson County, SC Natural Causes

do say the said came to dis death from disease of the heart. . .the deceased came to his death by some providence of God.

Giles Guess colored February 2, 1882 at the hosue of John Smith Anderson County, SC Homicide pistol

do say that the deceased was willfully killed by the hand of one Isaac Putnam by shooting deceased with a pistol and that Silas Putnam was accessory to the killing about seven or eight oclock in the afternoon at the house of one John Smith

Eli David Junkins July 24, 1871 at or near the hosue of John Martin (colored) near Richard Robinson Mill Anderson County, SC Accident shotgun

do say that the said Eli David Jenkins came to his death by being shot with a small single barrelled shot gun in the hands of Leslie Martin a colored boy some 16 or 17 years old. . .the said Leslie Martin did not intend or had any idea of the gun going off or doing the boy any injury whatever and believe it was entirely accidental

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    University of Georgia
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