R. L. Gentry

First Name: R.
Middle Name(s): L.
Last Name: Gentry

R. L. Gentry Inquests

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Hurnon[?] April 4, 1862 at Doct H R Cooks Plantation on Savanah River Edgefield County, SC Unknown

upon there oaths do say that the said person came to his death by misfortune or accident unknown

William H Maharey May 25, 1863 at Haslin Factory on the Procelian Manufacturing Company Edgefield County, SC Accident

upon there oaths do say that the aforesaid Wm H Mahorey did come to his death . . .by Mischance of Misfortune or accident caused by Fixing of the Machinery of the Meed Mill and was chrushed to By the Cog Wheel of said of Mill

Robert J. Butler September 15, 1864 at Hamburg Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon there oaths do say that Robert J Butler sen[?] came to his death by gun shot wound inflicted by Doct J D Twiggs

J. E. Black May 8, 1861 at the Residence of J. E. Black Edgefield County, SC Other

upon there oaths do say the said J. E. Black came to his death by accessive drink of intoxicating spirits

John Henry King October 29, 1865 in Hamburg Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon there oaths do say he was Killed by a Pistol shot from the hands of a colord Soldier belonging to the U S Troops now station in Augusta Ga the name of said Soldier not known

Lewis negro man, boy March 14, 1861 at Charles Hammonds Brickyard Edgefield County, SC Homicide pistol

upon there oats do say that the said Lewis did come to his death. . .By the discharge of a pistol on Sunday the tenth ist in hands of Benja[?] Glanton

Richard negroe Boy April 21, 1863 in the District of Edgefield Edgefield County, SC Accident train

by the oaths of the Jurors they do say the said boy came to his death by being on the above named night Express train comeing to Augusta Ga Contrary to the order of his Master as he was run away and was Killed in the Smash up of Cars at the Brooks Culbert

George Delaughter April 30, 1861 at the Hamburg Passenger Depot Edgefield County, SC Accident train

upon there oaths do say the said George Delaughter came to his death from falling of the Rail Road cars

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    University of Georgia
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