S. Broadwater

First Name: S.
Last Name: Broadwater

S. Broadwater Inquests

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Martin B. Elam January 28, 1851 at Mrs Mary Elams Edgefield County, SC Other

upon their oaths do say that they suppose the deceased came to his death by the hand of providence or some other cause unknown

Daniel slave, boy April 28, 1859 at L. Halls Tisery[?] Edgefield County, SC Suicide

upon there oaths do say that. . .Daniel came to his death by drownding whether axidental or intentional unknown

Levi H. McDaniel March 9, 1859 at or near the 17 mile Post on the Scotts Ferry Road Edgefield County, SC Homicide

upon there oaths do say that. . .the deceased came to his death by a Pistol shot in the left side near the region of the heart fired from the hands of one James H. Jones

Richard negro boy Slave September 9, 1850 at Thomas Garretts Edgefield County, SC Accident machinery

Upon their Oaths do say, that. . .we believe the deceased came to his death by accident

Henry Langley April 2, 1848 at Wm Vances Edgefield County, SC Accident wagon

do say upon their Oaths, that the said Henry Langley came to his death by a fall from his wagon. . .we believe by accident

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    University of Georgia
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