William Cowan

First Name: William
Last Name: Cowan

William Cowan Inquests

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Edmond May 5, 1828 on the premises of David Higgins Laurens County, SC Accident

After hearing the evidence we believe the aforesaid negro Edmond did voluntarily go into the water in a State of intoxication and by accident of mischance did drown.

Tom December 12, 1813 at Col. Starling Tucker's Laurens County, SC Suicide

do say upon their Oaths that on their Opinion that not having God before his Eyes but being Seduced and moved by the instigation of the Devil did Voluntarily and feloniously and of his malice afore though hanged and Suffocated himself against the peace and Dignity of the S. State.

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    University of Georgia
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