B. S. Newman

First Name: B.
Middle Name(s): S.
Last Name: Newman

B. S. Newman Inquests

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Name Deceased Description Datesort ascending Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Augustus Johnson December 17, 1885 Chesterfield County, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Accident

Wee as sworn of in quest Believe Come to his Deth By Acdent

Kissey Blakeny October 22, 1884 at Kessey Blakenys Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the Deceased came to her death by a natural causs of heart disease

John Smotherman March 1, 1882 at A.B. Reid's Turpentine Camp Chesterfield County, SC Accident lightning

upon their oaths do say That the said John Smotherman Berry Campbell and Sandy Purvis came to their deaths by accident at the Turpentine Camp of A B Reid . . . By Lightning.

Sandy Purvis March 1, 1882 at A.B. Reid's Turpentine Camp Chesterfield County, SC Accident lightning

upon their oaths do say That the said John Smotherman Berry Campbell and Sandy Purvis came to their deaths by accident at the Turpentine Camp of A B Reid . . . By Lightning.

Berry Campbell March 1, 1882 at A.B. Reid's Turpentine Camp Chesterfield County, SC Accident lightning

upon their oaths do say That the said John Smotherman Berry Campbell and Sandy Purvis came to their deaths by accident at the Turpentine Camp of A B Reid . . . By Lightning.

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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