William Foley
William Foley Inquests
Name | Deceased Description |
Date![]() |
Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Death Method | Inquest Finding |
Thomas Milane | March 7, 1811 | near Laurens Court House | Laurens County, SC | Accident |
do say upon their oaths that the said Thomas Milane came to his death by misfortune by a fall from his horse on this day. |
Jerry | July 11, 1811 | at the plantation of James Glen | Laurens County, SC | Natural Causes |
do say upon their oathes, that they are of opinion that the said Negro boy died a Natural Death |
William Leak | October 11, 1812 | at Brant Leaks | Laurens County, SC | Homicide | knife |
do say upon our oathes that the said William Leak came to his death on the sixteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and twelve when on his way home from his Fathers House to shoot near the House of Lewis D Yancys he then and there recivd a stab in his left thight with a large Knife by Samuel Yancy of which wound he instantly Deceased and we do further say that the aforesaid Samuel Yancy did notoriously and willfully perpetrate the said murder on the body of the said Decd against the peace of this state. |
Saul Bates | January 24, 1815 | at James Johnsons mill | Laurens County, SC | Natural Causes |
do say on their oaths are of the opinion that the sd. Saul Betts on the 24th of Jany. 1815 Came to his death by the Act of God at James Johnsons mill in the district afore sd. |
George | February 6, 1815 | at the plantation of Daniel Brag | Laurens County, SC | Accident |
doth say upon their oaths saith that on the 5th of this instant in crossing Enoree River got wash. Off his horse and got drowned. |
Daniel Bragg | February 6, 1815 | at the plantation of Daniel Brag | Laurens County, SC | Accident |
do say upon their oaths saith that on the 5th of this instant in striving to save a negroe man he got drowned. |
Mat | April 13, 1815 | on Hugh Mahoffeys Plantation | Laurens County, SC | Suicide |
do say upon their Oaths, that on the night of the 11th of this Instant he hanged himself with a piece of hickory bark |
Quash | May 11, 1815 | at the House Genl. John. Y. Wolff | Laurens County, SC | Natural Causes |
do say upon their Oaths that the aforesaid Negro Man Quash from all appearances as exhibited to this Jury of Inquest did by the act of God - The testimony of Mr Alexander Mahoffy who saw him a few minutes before his death, "he thinks about nine oclock P.M. of the 10th Inst & Genl. John Y. Wolff a few minutes after his death, he thinks about 12 Oclock of the same day - induced the Jury to give their verdict" That the Decsd. came to his death by the Act of God. |
Answorth Middleton | December 3, 1816 | at James Boyds | Laurens County, SC | Natural Causes |
Do say that he the said Answorth Middleton came to his Ende by the hand of god. |
John Wilson | July 26, 1817 | at Laurens Court House | Laurens County, SC | Homicide | stake |
do say upon their oaths & affirmations that the said John Wilson decsd. Son John came to his death on the twenty sixth day of July in the year aforesaid by a stroke or strokes with a part of a fence rail or stake on the forehead of the said John above the left Eye and the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths and affirmations aforesaid do say that from the Evidence... before them that a certain John Wilson decsd. son of James then and there with the fence rail or stake aforesaid did Kill and murder against the peace of the said state. |
Dick | August 13, 1818 | on the plantation of John Boyd | Laurens County, SC | Natural Causes |
the said Dick came to his death by the Act of God do Say upon their oaths here inserted. |
Infant child of Susanah Finny | Infant child of Susanah Finny | June 8, 1821 | at the House of Mary Holland | Laurens County, SC | Homicide |
do say upon their oaths, and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid, say that the aforesaid infant Child the aforesaid Susannah Finny, then and there feloniously Did kill and murder, against the peace of this State. |
Phil | July 29, 1821 | at Laurens Court House | Laurens County, SC | Suicide |
do say upon their oaths that the said Phil not having God before his eyes, but being seduced and moved by the instigation of the Devil in the gaol of Laurens District aforesaid, being then & there alone with a certain piece of blanket which he then & their had one end of which was tied round his neck, and the other end thereof tied to the grate of the door of the dungeon, and himself then & there with the piece of blanket aforesaid volunarily & feloniously and of his malice aforethought, hanged & suffocated: And so the jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid, say that as a felon of himself, feloniously, voluntarily & of his malice aforethought himself killed, strangled & murdered against the peace of the said State. |
Sambo | August 1, 1821 | at the house of Stephen Garretts | Laurens County, SC | Suicide |
do say upon their oaths dc not having God before his eyes but being seduced and moved by the instigation of the Devil at the place & time aforesaid in a certain house occupied by sd negro being then and there hanging alone by a joint of the house with a plough line around his neck - voluntarily and feloniously and of his malice aforethought hung and suffocated himself... |
Harry | May 13, 1822 | at Alexander Wilkinsons | Laurens County, SC | Homicide |
do say upon their oaths; So the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid, Say that the aforesaid Negro man Harry (the servant of the said Alexander Wilinson) that he (Harry) came to his death by the means of and with the abuse that he received (on Sunday Last past being the twelth day of this instant (May))from his master Alexander Wilkinson and by his order, and not otherwise... |
George | October 9, 1822 | at John Williams | Laurens County, SC | Suicide |
do say upon their oaths, and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid, say that the aforesaid infant Child the aforesaid Susannah Finny, then and there feloniously Did kill and murder, against the peace of this State. |
Bart | October 30, 1822 | Laurens County, SC | Unknown |
do say upon their oaths, that the aforesaid Negro Bart, was killed, or came to his death, either by an accidential fall from a horse, or some other misfortune. |
John Boyd | November 26, 1822 | at Samy Boyds | Laurens County, SC | Other |
upon their oaths saith that the said John Boyd came to his Death by Entoxication and hard Drinking of Brandy. |
William Thompson | October 15, 1824 | at the House of Thomas | Laurens County, SC | Other |
do say uppon their oaths that the sd. William Thompsonhere laying dead did come to his death by heavy intoxication and abuse. |
John Harry | February 2, 1827 | at the House of John Harry | Laurens County, SC | Accident |
Do say upon their oathes that they are of opinion that the deceased came to his death by falling from his hors [sic] when he was driving his waggon in his own plantation |
Mary Peck | February 23, 1828 | in the District aforesaid | Laurens County, SC | Suicide |
do say upon their Paths, "That the said Mark Peck, came to her death, hanging herself with a hank of spun cotton, to the end one of the logs of the Chimney, while in a state mental derangement. |