upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph Moore Jr came to his death by the rupture of a blood vessel of the lungs
upon there oaths do say from the evidence heard in case and our belief is that she died of consumption
upon their oaths say that from the evidence before them that the said Emma Alexander died from congestion of the lungs
upon their oaths do say that the said Martha M. Kerr came to her death by the act of God: hemorage of the lungs
upon their oaths do say that the said Jacob Belue came to his death from congestion of the lungs
upon their oaths do say that . . . the deceased came to her death from congestion of the Lungs
upont their oaths do say that the dec'd Fayet Walter came to his death from a disease known as congestion of the lungs caused from severe cold
do say that the deceased came to her death from disease of the lungs . . . at the residence of Warren Morris.
find her lungs badly affected and diseased came to her death from consumption & had consumption badly.
do say that the said George Norris by act of God died (Consumption)
eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry
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