upon their oaths, do say: that the Said Robert Inglish came to his death form hart disease
Jurors aforesaid that said that Spencer Knotts came to his death from some natcherel case or cosses to the jury owns known
upon their oath do Say he come to his Death by Providential occurance or heart failure
upon their oaths do say, that the said J.B. Whittle came to his death from natural cause
upon their oaths, do say, that Reubin Weaver aforesaid came to his death from heart failure
upon their oaths do say that the Aforesaid Mid Griffin came to his death by Heart failure
upon their oaths do say and belief that he Joel W. Warren came to his death by heart failure
upon their oaths do say, that. . .the said infant came to his death, by heart failure produced from congestion of the lungs
upon their oaths do say that Kisiah Frazier came to her death from natural causes. . .Rheumatic trouble of the heart
upon their oaths do say that the said Lidda Hampton came to her death from heart failure
eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry
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