upon their oaths do say that the said Henry McKnight came to his death by the visitation of God having fallen into the river supposed to have been in a fit and alone
upon their oaths do say we find the body to be that of a negro woman unknown supposed to have been drowned but having no evidence before us cannot say when or where
upon their oaths do say we find upon examination the body is that of a negro man and suppose that he came to his death by drowning, and having no evidence before us cannot say when or where
upon their oaths do say. . .that said Fortune came to his death by drowning at Camden Ferry on the night of the twenty third of December eighteen hundred and thirty seven
upon their oaths do say we find the Boddy is a negro man and came to his death by drownign but have no evidence before us to warrant us in saying when or where
upon their oaths do say to the best of their knowledge the Boddy now before them is that of a negro man who came to his death by drowning but having no evidence before them cannot say when or where