Kershaw County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Kershaw County, SC Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 233
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Josiah Parker August 24, 1829 at the plantation of Josiah Parker Suicide
infant July 16, 1868 in the town of Camden, Camden, S.C. Homicide
Emanuel Griffin July 28, 1873 at T. H. Clark's plantation Accident
Christopher Campbell April 16, 1835 Homicide
John Goff April 4, 1843 at the house of Holly Goff Unknown
John Bryce March 7, 1815 in the town of Camden Natural Causes
Micjah Ward February 9, 1849 at the house of M. Ward Natural Causes
slave slave August 15, 1824 near the head of the Bell Brach within half a mile of the stage road Unknown
Jerry R. McLeod May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Amos slave March 15, 1856 at the plantation of John McRae on the banks of the Wateree Suicide
John slave November 13, 1849 at the house of Mrs. J.S. McRae Accident
negro negro April 23, 1838 at the Camden Ferry Unknown
negro negro April 16, 1838 at Thomas Whitaker's plantation Unknown
John McDonald April 15, 1839 at Daniel McDonalds Natural Causes
slave slave November 1, 1864 at the depot in Camden Unknown
Robert Anderson January 31, 1825 at the camp near the Wateree Canal Accident
Frank slave July 16, 1840 at the house of Charles M. Breaker Homicide
John Nelson June 5, 1826 in the house of John Nelson Sen'r on Grannie's Quarter Natural Causes
Pinder slave May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
colored colored June 12, 1856 at a house on Rutledge Street in the town of Camden and occupied by one John Strickling Natural Causes
Selena Crosby May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Joseph B. Hughes August 6, 1869 at the late residence of Joseph B. Hughes in Flat Rock Township, Flat Rock, S.C. Accident
negro negro March 26, 1838 at the Camden Ferry, Wateree River Unknown
infant May 26, 1829 Unknown
Willy Hall February 19, 1845 at Black River in the stage road Natural Causes
Alford Pendleton December 14, 1911 Unknown
Ned slave April 22, 1843 at Chesnut's Ferry Unknown
John McDaniel May 31, 1839 at McCaskill's graveyard Natural Causes
Jane Crowder July 10, 1848 at the jail of Kershaw District, town of Camden Suicide
Tom slave May 5, 1805 at plantation of John Chesnut, Esquire Accident
infant November 12, 1811 Other
infant April 14, 1869 at Capt. J.D. Jakell's plantation Homicide
Fanny slave November 4, 1855 at the plantation of Edward A. Salmond about four miles from Camden Homicide
John Myers July 24, 1845 at the big hill east of McRae's Mill on the road from Camden to Darlington Court House Unknown
Summer slave November 7, 1864 at the plantation of Burwell Boykin Homicide
negro negro March 19, 1838 at Ja's Chesnut's plantation Unknown
Edward slave August 3, 1824 on the main Charleston Road five miles below Camden Homicide
Mary Williams September 23, 1843 at the residence of Mary Williams Unknown
Angus McQueen January 17, 1816 at home of Kelly McDermit Accident
infant June 8, 1828 house of Jessee Husk Accident
Unknown May 1, 1826 in a ditch Unknown
Jim Cantey July 20, 1900 Unknown
Unknown February 3, 1827 at plantation of Col. James Chesnut Unknown
William Applewhite January 22, 1838 at Camden Accident
Muse slave September 18, 1831 at the resident of Roger Parish Accident
infant March 29, 1842 at Tabitha Laird's Homicide
Richard Williams November 23, 1880 Unknown
J. F. Brewer September 16, 1841 at Camden Other
John Cotton March 15, 1826 at the river bank in Mr. Jno. Nelson's field Accident
Mary Jenkins May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident

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    University of Georgia
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