W. E. Redfearn

First Name: W.
Middle Name(s): E.
Last Name: Redfearn

W. E. Redfearn Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 154
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Betty Gene Mangum December 19, 1934 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

[No official declaration]

David Cornelius Boan January 18, 1943 at Cheraw, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that David Cornelius Boan received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot gun in the hands of Hiram Mareen Linton

Albert Williams August 9, 1934 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: We the undersign Jurors agree that Albert Williams came to his death at the hands of Pete Parson in a gun fight

Jasper Thomas March 28, 1934 at Cheraw, S. C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: We the undersigned jurors find that Jasper Thomas, colored, came to his death aobut 6:25 P.M. Thursdday, March 22nd 1934 by pistol wound at the hands of John Mack, colored.

Charles Little June 11, 1934 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: as the result of pistol shot in the hands of W. Lester Russell

Marim Evans Hudson July 28, 1942 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Marim Evans Hudson received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by a pistol accidently discharged in the hands of Ira W. Boun, Jr.

Claude McKenzie February 1, 1935 at McBee Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

Upon their oath do say that Claude McKenzie received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot Gun done willfully . . . in the hands of Gillespie McKenzie

Sylvester Streater August 18, 1947 at Chesterfield, S. C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Sylvester Streater received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 38 Pistol in the hands of Thelma Williams Streater

Baby Boatwright February 26, 1937 at Jefferson Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Baby Boatwright received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by a stick in the hands of Gertrude Boatwright

William C. Driggers August 1, 1934 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say: That W. T. Driggers came to his death by an acute heart attack caused by knife wounds in the hands of Raymond Driggers

Joseph Spires January 17, 1935 at Patrick Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Joe Spires received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by a pistol shot in the hands of Party unknown to us

Kenneth M. Douglas October 17, 1946 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Kenneth M. Douglas received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 32 Pistol in the hands of M. Stuart Funderburk

Basil Vick March 12, 1941 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Basil Vick received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Suffocation by smoke from fire in adjoining cell, occupied by Joe Church.

Mrs. Mary E. Parker January 9, 1933 at Patrick Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: Mary E. Parker came to her death from gunshot wounds in the hands of Clyde Parker

Albert Jenkins September 13, 1937 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Albert Jenkins received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol Bullet in the hands of Buster Ellebre

James Lee March 1, 1937 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that James Lee received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Exposure Caused by Extreme Drunkenness

John T. Parker November 23, 1945 at Chesterfield, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that John T. Parker received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Burns suffered in House fire, Origins Unknown

Bonnie Redfern December 18, 1939 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Bonnie Redfern received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot Gun Wounds in the hands of Rob Williams

Howard E. Fields September 24, 1948 at Chesterfield, S. C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Howard E. Fields received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by_______ in the hands of Lee Freeman & Garland Smith

W. H. Davis November 1, 1940 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that W. H. Davis received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by gun shot in the hands of self-inflicted accidentally

Archie Woods February 8, 1937 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Archie Woods received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol Shot in the hands of Marion Johnson

Earnest Leland Smith Jr. December 12, 1945 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that Earnest Leland Smith, Jr. received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by causes unknown

Nathanial T. Hildreth October 21, 1941 at Chesterfield, S. C. Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Nathanial T. Hildreth received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol in the hands of Nathanial T. Hildreth

John Jefferson March 17, 1936 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that John Jefferson received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Draarn in the hands of Aiken Jefferson

William Clyburn September 15, 1948 at Pageland, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that William Clyburn received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 38 S&W Pistol in the hands of Mr. Ike Plyler. . . The Jury recommends that I. K. Plyler be not held responsible -- justifiable Homicide

Billie Laney December 15, 1940 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Billie Laney received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol Shot in the hands of Insufficient Evidence

Benjamin Frank April 13, 1943 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that Benjamin Frank Laney received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 32 pistol in the hands of Gus Gruggs

Baby Roscoe June 18, 1934 at Ruby & Hartsville Cross Roads Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: Still Born

Sarah Watson January 31, 1938 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Sarah Watson received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Buckshot from Shotgun in the hands of Jas. Stacks

Reece Chapman July 26, 1948 at Chesterfield, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

VERDICT: The said Reece Chapman came to his death by a 31 Pistol at the hands of Buck Diggs.

J. B. Deas February 6, 1936 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that J. B. Deas received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Single Barrell Shot gun in the hands of Durant Easterling & Sinclair Sellers

Joe Church March 12, 1941 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Joe Church received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Suffocation and burn from fire in jail cell occupied by himself

Farquer Ratliff August 11, 1941 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Farquer Ratliff & Bertha Evans received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Gun shot wounds in the hands of James Evans

Evans Gulledge November 23, 1940 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Evans Gulledge received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol Shot Wounds in the hands of Silas Johnson

Walter Brown November 26, 1943 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Walter Brown received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by _______ in the hands of Mose McKay. . . He came to his death by a gun in hands of Mose McKay.

J. T. Hanna Sr. February 2, 1934 at Teal's Mill Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths, do say: We the Jury find that J.T. Hanna Sr. came to his death by a gunshot wound in his own hand

James Banfield February 27, 1939 near Patrick, S. C. Chesterfield County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that James Banfield received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot Gun Wounds in the hands of own hands by accidental means

Bertha Evans August 11, 1941 at Chesterfield Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Farquer Ratliff & Bertha Evans received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Gun shot wounds in the hands of James Evans

Fleetwood Moody May 20, 1936 at Patrick Chesterfield County, SC Accident

Upon their oaths do say that Fleetwood Moody received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Burned in the hands of origin unknown . . . came to his death from burns and suffocation origin unknown

David Primus July 5, 1943 at Cheraw, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that David Primus received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot gun in the hands of Ernest (Peter) Howard

Elmer Brookfield March 17, 1936 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Elmer Brookfield received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot Gun in the hands of Woodroe McQunn

Albert Blakeney October 18, 1937 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Albert Blakeney received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Pistol Shot in the hands of Herman Massey

Earnestine Rewie April 19, 1944 at Cheraw, S.C. Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Earnestine Rewie received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Burns . . . She came to her death by burns - probably accidental

Earnest Hammond October 15, 1945 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that Earnest Hammond received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot gun in the hands of Person or Persons Unknown

Nettie Mae Bennett November 9, 1937 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Nettie Mae Bennett received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by shot gun in the hands in the hands of Derk Gardin (accidental)

Lilie May Dove November 29, 1943 at Cheraw Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Flossie Sellers received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 22 Caliber rifle in the hands of Lillie Mae Dove

Lincoln Gregory March 5, 1938 at Pageland Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Lincoln Gregory received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Rifle Shot in the hands of Bryalus McManns

Leonard Clark July 3, 1946 at Jefferson, SC Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Leonard Clark received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 38 Pistol in the hands of Bill Sowell

George Gardner January 22, 1935 in Chesterfield County Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their Oaths do say that George Gardner received . . . mortal wound by Rifle Shot in the hand of Rance Cue some being unavoidable accident

George Lindsay May 7, 1945 at Chesterfield, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Accident

[No official declaration]

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